Holopyga inflammata
- Innhold
- Diagnosis
- Distribution
- Biology
Length 5–7 mm.
Both sexes have similar colouration: the head, propleuron, mesopleuron, propodeum and legs are blue or blue-violet, whereas the pronotum, mesoscutum, mesoscutellum and metascutellum are red. The colouration is relatively similar to the female of H. fervida, but the head is completely blue (without red vertex), the metascutellum is red (not blue) and the mesoscutellum is uniformly punctured (not sparser anteriorly).
Finland, Lithuania. Very rare. In Finland, more than 30 specimens were collected in the south-eastern part of the country (Joutseno) in 1957–1960, but currently the species is classified as regionally extinct (Paukkunen 2010). In Lithuania, no records are known since 1970 (Orlovskytė et al. 2010).
West Palearctic: Europe, northern Africa, western Asia (Linsenmaier 1997, 1999).
Habitat: sparsely vegetated sandy areas. Adults visit flowers of Apiaceae (Brechtel 1985, Rosa 2004).
Flight period: early June to early August.
Host: unknown.