Mycena nucicola
1. Acanthocysts. 2. Cheilocystidia. 3. Basidium. 4. Spore. 5. Terminal cells of the basal disc hyphae.
Cap 1.5-5 mm across, at first conical, becoming parabolical with age, translucent-striate when old, shallowly sulcate, furfuraceous or floccose, becoming puberulous to glabrous, white. Gills 11-13, not always reaching the stem, the edge convex, adnexed, white. Stem 10-30 x 0.2-0.3 mm, cylindrical, equal, the base somewhat bulbous, entirely pubescent or hairy, glabrescent, watery greyish, with age more whitish, with a very small basal disc, which is almost disappearing with age. Basidia c. 17 x 8 µm, clavate, 4-spored. Spores (7-)8.2-8.8 (-10) x (3.8-) 4.5-4.5 (-5.5) µm, Q ˜ 1.8, pip-shaped, amyloid. Cheilocystidia 15-26 x 8-16 µm, clavate, densely covered with evenly spaced, short excrescences, with or without a shorter or longer, often flexuous rostrum. Pleurocystidia absent. Lamellar trama dextrinoid. Hyphae of the pileipellis 3.5-15 µm wide, densely covered with narrow, short excrescences; the terminal cells broadly clavate to globose, 17-30 x 11-25 µm wide, densely covered with short excrescences 0.5-1.5 x 0.5 µm (acanthocysts). Hyphae of the cortical layer of the stem 4-8 µm wide, smooth, caulocystidia 40-100 µm long, smooth, thin-walled, lanceolate, acute, with a broadened base 9-17.5 µm wide. Hyphae of the basal disc terminated by cells of two types: 1) elements similar to the caulocystidia, up to 50 µm long, clavate or lanceolate, entirely smooth or 2) elements similar to those on the pileipellis, 15-40 µm, clavate to subglobose, densely covered with short excrescences (acanthocysts). Clamps rare to apparently absent.
Growing on fallen Corylus fruits. Summer to autumn. Very rare.