IUCN Red List versus the Norwegian Red List
Species listed on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2010 that are considered to have viable populations (category LC) in Norway.
Species |
Norwegian name |
Global category |
Category in Norway 2010 |
Proportion of the European population |
Brachiopoda (brachiopods), Echinodermata (ecioderms), Urochordata (tunicates) |
Bathyplotes natans |
svømmepølse |
DD (2013) |
LC |
5 –25 % |
Echinus esculentus |
svabergsjøpiggsvin |
LR/nt (1996) |
LC |
5–25 % |
Parastichopus tremulus |
rødpølse |
DD (2013) |
LC |
5–25 % |
Coleoptera (beetles) |
Ampedus cardinalis |
kardinalsmeller |
NT (2010) |
CR |
< 1 % |
Ampedus hjorti |
eikeblodsmeller |
VU (2010) |
VU |
< 1 % |
Ceruchus chrysomelinus |
svarthjort |
NT (2010) |
EN |
1–5 % |
Crepidophorus mutilatus |
nattsmeller |
NT (2010) |
EN |
< 1 % |
Cucujus cinnaberinus |
sinoberbille |
NT (2010) |
VU |
1–5 % |
Dytiscus latissimus |
VU (1996) |
LC |
5–25 % |
Graphoderus bilineatus |
VU (1996) |
VU |
< 1 % |
Osmoderma eremita |
eremitt |
NT (2010) |
CR |
< 1 % |
Mollusca (molluscs) |
Margaritifera margaritifera |
elvemusling |
EN (1996) |
VU |
5–25 % |
Myxas glutinosa |
slimdamsnegl |
DD (1996) |
NT |
< 1 % |
Omphiscola glabra |
tårndamsnegl |
NT (2011) |
LC |
Pseudanodonta complanata |
VU (2011) |
DD |
< 1 % |
Rossia macrosoma |
DD (2012) |
LC |
Unknown |
Sepietta oweniana |
DD (2012) |
LC |
Unknown |
Sepiola atlantica |
DD (2012) |
LC |
Unknown |
Sepiola pfefferi |
DD (2012) |
LC |
< 1 % |
Spermodea lamellata |
lamellsnegl |
NT (2013) |
LC |
Vertigo angustior |
smalknøttsnegl |
NT (2012) |
NT |
< 1 % |
Vertigo lilljeborgi |
sumpknøttsnegl |
NT (2011) |
LC |
Vertigo parcedentata |
dovreknøttsnegl |
VU (2011) |
NT |
> 50 % |
Vertigo ultimathule |
lappknøttsnegl |
NT (2011) |
DD |
25–50 % |
Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) |
Somatochlora sahlbergi |
nordlig metalløyenstikker |
DD (2006) |
VU |
1–5 % |
"Pisces" (fishes) |
Anguilla anguilla |
ål |
CR (2014) |
CR |
1–5 % |
Ammodytes tobianus |
småsil |
DD (2014) |
LC |
5 - 25 % |
Bathyraja spinicauda |
gråskate |
NT (2009) |
NT |
5–25 % |
Cetorhinus maximus |
brugde |
VU (2005) |
EN |
1–5 % |
Chimaera monstrosa |
havmus |
NT (2007) |
LC |
Dipturus batis |
storskate |
CR (2006) |
CR |
1–5 % |
Dipturus nidarosiensis |
svartskate |
NT (2009) |
NT |
25–50 % |
Dipturus oxyrinchus |
spisskate |
NT (2007) |
LC |
5–25 % |
Gadus morhua |
torsk |
VU (1996) |
LC |
25–50 % |
Galeorhinus galeus |
gråhai |
VU (2006) |
DD |
Hippoglossus hippoglossus |
kveite |
EN (1996) |
LC |
> 50 % |
Leucoraja fullonica |
nebbskate |
NT (2009) |
NT |
5–25 % |
Melanogrammus aeglefinus |
hyse |
VU (1996) |
LC |
5–25 % |
Raja clavata |
piggskate |
NT (2005) |
LC |
< 5 % |
Somniosus microcephalus |
håkjerring |
NT (2006) |
NT |
Unknown |
Squalus acanthias |
pigghå |
VU (2006) |
CR |
25–50 % |
Aves (birds) mainland Norway |
Anser erythropus |
dverggås |
VU (2013) |
CR |
5–25 % |
Clangula hyemalis |
havelle |
VU (2012) |
LC |
5–25 % |
Gallinago media |
dobbeltbekkasin |
NT (2012) |
NT |
> 50 % |
Gavia adamsii |
gulnebblom |
NT (2012) |
NT |
> 50 % |
Limosa limosa |
svarthalespove |
NT (2012) |
EN |
< 1 % |
Melanitta fusca |
sjøorre |
EN (2013) |
NT |
1–5 % |
Numenius arquata |
storspove |
NT (2012) |
NT |
1–5 % |
Polysticta stelleri |
stellerand |
VU (2013) |
VU |
25–50 % |
Aves (birds) Svalbard |
Clangula hyemalis |
havelle |
VU (2012) |
LC |
Tracheophyta (vascular plants) mainland Norway |
Alopecurus aequalis |
vassreverumpe |
DD (2014) |
LC |
1–5 % |
Draba cacuminum |
tinderublom |
DD (2013) |
EN |
> 50 % |
Limosella aquatica |
evjebrodd |
DD (2014) |
LC |
1–5 % |
Malus sylvestris |
villeple |
DD (2013) |
LC |
< 1 % |
Mentha aquatica |
vassmynte |
DD (2014) |
LC |
< 1 % |
Montia fontana |
kildeurt |
DD (2014) |
LC |
5–25 % |
Osmunda regalis |
kongsbregne |
DD (2014) |
NT |
< 1 % |
Pilularia globulifera |
trådbregne |
NT (2013) |
EN |
1–5 % |
Potamogeton pusillus |
granntjernaks |
DD (2014) |
EN |
< 1 % |
Primula scandinavica |
fjellnøkleblom |
NT (2013) |
NT |
> 50 % |
Ranunculus aquatilis |
kystvassoleie |
DD (2014) |
LC |
< 1 % |
Saxifraga osloënsis |
oslosildre |
VU (2013) |
NT |
25–50 % |
Typha latifolia |
brei dunkjevle |
DD (2014) |
LC |
< 1 % |
"Lichenes" (lichen) |
Erioderma pedicellatum |
trønderlav |
CR (2003) |
CR |
> 50 % |
Annelida (Annelids) |
Hirudo medicinalis |
blodigle |
NT (2014) |
VU |
1 - 5 % |
Bryophyta (bryophytes) |
Jamesoniella undulifolia |
krusøremose |
VU (2000) |
CR |
Unknown |
Mammalia (mammals) mainland Norway |
Balaenoptera musculus |
blåhval |
EN (2008) |
NTº |
5–25 % |
Balaenoptera physalus |
finnhval |
EN (2013) |
LCº |
5–25 % |
Cystophora cristata |
klappmyss |
VU (2008) |
EN |
> 50 % |
Eubalaena glacialis |
nordkaper |
EN (2012) |
RE |
Globicephala melas |
grindhval |
DD (2008) |
LC |
5–25 % |
Hyperoodon ampullatus |
nebbhval |
DD (2008) |
LC |
> 50 % |
Lutra lutra |
oter |
NT (2008) |
VU |
5–25 % |
Mesoplodon bidens |
nordspisshval |
DD (2008) |
DD |
Unknown |
Orcinus orca |
spekkhogger |
DD (2013) |
LC |
25–50 % |
Mammalia (mammals) Svalbard |
Odobenus rosmarus |
hvalross |
DD (2008) |
VUº |
25–50 % |
Ursus maritimus |
isbjørn |
VU (2008) |
VU |
> 50 % |
Lepidoptera (butterflies) |
Parnassius apollo |
apollosommerfugl |
VU (1996) |
NT |
1–5 % |
Phyllodesma ilicifolia |
rødbrun bladspinner |
VU (1996) |
LC |
< 1 % |
Apocrita (wasps) |
Bombus alpinus |
alpehumle |
VU (2013) |
LC |
Epeolus cruciger |
engfiltbie |
NT (2014) |
LC |
1 - 5 % |
Megachile alpicola |
Småbladskjærebie |
DD (2014) |
NT |
1 - 5 % |
Formica aquilonia |
nordlig skogmaur |
LR/nt (1996) |
LC |
Formica lugubris |
håret skogmaur |
LR/nt (1996) |
LC |
Formica polyctena |
glatt skogmaur |
LR/nt (1996) |
LC |
Formica pratensis |
engskogmaur |
LR/nt (1996) |
LC |
Formica rufa |
rød skogmaur |
LR/nt (1996) |
LC |
Formica uralensis |
uralmaur |
LR/nt (1996) |
LC |
Formicoxenus nitidulus |
gjestemaur |
VU (1996) |
LC |
Nomada argentata |
bakkevepsebie |
NT (2013) |
RE |
Nomada armata |
rødknappvepsebie |
NT (2013) |
RE |